Our Story

It all began when our Founder and Director, Georgina Clarke had a lightbulb moment at work.

During her 20 years working in the public sector, Georgina noticed that managers often focused on dealing with staff's poor mental health as issues arose.

There seemed to be much more emphasis placed on the individual’s responsibility rather than organisational responsibility.

For example, if an employee was feeling stressed, they would be sent off to counseling, a stress management course, or resilience training.

All these interventions may help a little but don’t always get to the root of the problem. The employee often returns to the same set of problems that had caused their stress in the first place e.g. overwork culture, poor leadership, strained relationships.

Georgina started to think… what would happen if organisations focused on prevention over cure?

How could employers prevent harm but also go one step further and help their staff to flourish and play to their strengths? She had also noticed managers often focus only on fixing the problems rather than building on strengths.

This is where the idea for Ascent was born.

We decided someone needed to kickstart a revolution in workplace culture.

So why not us?

We hope to inspire companies to take steps to prevent harm at work and to get the best out of their staff, boosting wellbeing, psychological safety, performance and profit!

At Ascent, we work with your teams to create sustainable change, preventing poor mental health and helping your employees to thrive and play to their strengths.